Aéro Montréal offers various programs and initiatives
Developed based on current and future business challenges and challenges. The objective of these initiatives and programs is to support SMEs in their growth by offering them coaching, training and financial support.
Commercialization of projects and products
Accélérateur 360°
Support growth and foster collaboration between SMEs in international markets by assisting commercialization within global supply chains.
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StartAéro 360°
Promote the integration and commercialization of disruptive technologies in the aerospace supply chain.
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To provide a set of services to companies and organizations wishing to increase their activities in the field of security and defense.
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Platform Heritage
The Heritage platform makes it possible to identify and capture critical knowledge, promote the transmission and sharing of this knowledge, identify and advise on the best knowledge transfer strategies to deploy and the actors to mobilize, document the entire process and the information collected.
Support to innovation
SA2GE – Project mobilizing for greener plane
The Greener Aircraft Development Cluster (SA2GE) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to develop smarter, more effective and more efficient technologies while reducing the environmental footprint of our sector. This project has a private-public budget of $ 150 million over four years, funded 53% by the industry and 47% by the Government of Quebec.
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